Never Never School

Table of Contents

All information about this project can be found on a separate Never Never School page.

Never Never School: Making utopias present. © Poppy Illsley 2019

Short introduction

Never Never School is a unique space for dialogical learning, utopian speculation and research about cities.

It is a prototype and concept of education for the 21st century. Since 2018, Spolka collective has been creating a unique platform for individuals and teams dealing with spatial practices from various artistic, design and social disciplines. It is built on intensive cooperation and mutual learning.

Never Never School uses design as a tool for investigation, imagination and as a means of dialogue about possible futures. At the same time, it serves as an incubator: participants have the opportunity to translate their ideas into projects embedded in local context, which they test and develop together. It brings a democratically oriented approach to learning and urban design. It transcends the traditional boundaries of education based on the hierarchies of teacher - student, expert - layperson.

More information about Never Never School.
